Welcome to the Day Nursery


"Children are not things to be moulded but people to be unfolded" - Jess Lair

Our vision

We believe that all children have the potential to be resilient, curious, respectful, independent, knowledgeable, and creative learners.

These values are deeply embedded within our community. They underpin how we teach and how we help children to grow as individuals. All staff work closely with our parents, understanding how these relationships can bring family and culture into the heart of our learning community.

About us

In our Day Nursery, we take children from six months old to four years, providing full wrap around care for families in our community, for 48 weeks of the year.

We have a dedicated room with lots of natural light, a fully enclosed garden for babies to explore their world safely and a large ‘family’ space where children of all ages come together to learn from each other, as well as our team of qualified staff.

Our nursery

 We open at 8am in the morning for breakfast, providing a range of cereals, toast and milk. We cater for children with different dietary needs, allergies, or restricted diets. Mid-morning and mid-afternoon, children are invited to the snack table for a drink, fruit, crackers or breadsticks.

Seeing children as individuals and valuing their agency is at the centre of all we do. Our Day Nursery operates on the principle of play-based learning so that children can move between spaces or activities, and choose to be where they feel most comfortable. Children spend quiet moments in cosy corners with the close attention of a trusted adult, chose to work together with friends of all ages in self-chosen tasks, or spend time in our garden, tending and caring for their environment.





We have access to a large forest field where children are immersed in nature throughout the year, a nursery garden for 3yr olds to meet new faces, and a small library on site to visit.

In our setting, we focus on creating well designed, happy, and empowering spaces for children that engage imagination and stimulate discovery. Within this learning environment, emphasis is on high quality, nurturing interactions from key people and a commitment to providing fully inclusive and respectful practice.

Our school values of creativity, respect, curiosity, knowledge, independence, and resilience inform the curriculum. They underpin all teaching, with the intention that every child matters and can reach their potential as a life-long learner and a valued member of the community. This curriculum sits alongside the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.

Our considered programme of study, ensures that children develop the skills, attitudes and abilities needed to thrive throughout their education. We balance time spent alongside practitioners in self-chosen fascinations, with age-appropriate learning circles, that focus on core literacy or maths-based games and activities.

In the Day Nursery, our curriculum maps are divided into 

As I grow… for babies & younger children  

and As I become… for more confident learners.

 To view - Termly maps As I grow and As I become


 We recognise that sharing food is a fundamental experience for all people; it encourages adoption of healthy lifestyles and social conversation, as well as broadening taste experiences. Lunch is cooked and served in our dining area. Mealtimes are organised to provide a pleasant environment in which children and staff participate in small family groups. Children are encouraged to be self-sufficient in making choices and to learn to manage serving and feeding themselves.

At the end of the day we share a light tea, typically of wraps, soup, beans or bagels with cheese, eggs or tuna and salad. Our session ends at 5.30pm, although parents are welcome to come and pick up their children whenever their working day ends. 

Applying to the Day Nursery.

In our Day Nursery we accept children from six months old, offering places to children who are eligible for government funding as well as unfunded children, under the age of five. We ask that Day Nursery children attend for a minimum of three days. This acknowledges the importance of building secure relationships with key people and placing young children’s wellbeing at the forefront of all we do.

Parents are welcome to visit to look around the setting and can make an application directly online through our website - Initial contact application for Day Nursery

The balance of security, space and sense of being loved and cherished that children need from us in order to explore and create for themselves.” (Realising the ambition -Being Me)

Settling in

Before your child starts, we offer a number of settling in visits. This allows time for us to learn about your family’s needs, values and aspirations and begin to build close relationships with key people. Babies or younger children will experience coming in at different times of the day to get a sense of how this might feel for them and where they will need extra support. Settling in is done thoughtfully with an awareness of meeting your needs as a working family.