Early Years Pupil Premium 

What is the EYPP?

The EYPP is a government initiative that targets additional funding to children from predominantly lower income households. The additional funding for children is used to support each entitled child in developing and learning and believe that they can succeed.

Governors have agreed that the Pupil Premium Grant will be prioritised for the achievement and wellbeing of disadvantaged pupils who, are entitled to it. We use this money to provide extra staff support and resources to ensure there is accelerated learning to ensure there is little or no difference between the achievement of eligible children and those that are not.

The provision and impact through EYPP is monitored through all levels of leadership and management:

  • Governor meetings
  • Senior Leadership Team meetings
  • Assessment Data

Early Years Pupil Premium 2022 to 2025

Early Years Pupil Premium funds are spent with these priorities in mind:

  • Priority 1

    Improve outcomes for the most vulnerable children in the school community.

  • Priority 2

    To improve resilience and self-regulation to enhance children’s long-term learning/school experiences.

  • Priority 3

    Narrowing the attainment gap between disadvantaged and other pupils in reading.

 Pupil Premium Strategy Plan 2023 - 2025


Value for money has been sought through reference to research and impact via the Educational Endowment Fund website; https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/evidence/early-years-toolkit