
The Federate of the governing body for Wood Farm Primary School and Slade Nursery School started in September 2016.


Hugh Turner - Chair
Nick Swarbrick - Vice Chair

David Lewin - Executive Headteacher

Sarah O'Leary- Nursery Headteacher

Liz Brighouse - LA - Safeguarding

Sue Hale - Co-opted - Nursery Curriculum and Outcomes Committee chair

Nick Swarbrick - Nursery Personnel & Finance Committee chair

Hannah Barton - Co-opted

Jonathan Barton - Co-opted

Gail Connelly - Co-opted

Anna Neal - Co-opted

Catherine Routledge - Staff

Rebecca Haworth - Co-opted



The role of the School Governor

Governors provide their time to help the school on a voluntary basis and come from a range of different backgrounds. There are a variety of different roles within the governing board Which involves working with the head teacher and senior leaders to make sure that the pupils at the school receive the best possible education.

Governors are a mixture of elected and appointed individuals. the constitution of the Governing Board is: parent governors, local authority governor, co-opted Governors, the Headteacher, staff representatives.

The governor’s aim is to work towards a vision that the children at the school will get the best possible education, that they will be happy and safe and enjoy their time at school. They will support the head teacher and the dedicated team of staff, but will also challenge rigorously where necessary to ensure that we deliver our objectives

The governing board has a strategic role and sets policy, whereas the head teacher has an operational role and is responsible for delivery of the policies that are agreed. Governor’s decisions are made following informed discussion, whereas the head teacher uses professional judgement.

Supporting Documents


Register of Business Interests of the governors of Wood Farm Primary School and Slade Nursery School Federation 2020-2021Governor Attendance

Wood Farm Primary and Nursery School Governors 2020-21

Committee Membership 2020-2021

Governor Attendance 2019-2020

Terms of reference: what different committees do

Terms of Reference - Provision & Outcomes Committee

Terms of Reference - Personnel and Finance Committee

Terms of Reference - Children, Families & Community Committee